Photo shoot collection of Prince’s Day hats
Like every year, several hat designs by Myra van de Korput will be on display on Prince’s Day. Here is a preview of the latest collection. Credits: Photographer Piet Radder, models Rebecca Gouw and Nikita de Kleijn.
Prince’s Day Hats for 15 years from Barendrecht,
For 15 years, Prince’s Day hats have come from Barendrecht. Myra van de |Korput has been creating designs for Prince’s Day in her studio for many years. Many MPs, politicians and ministers have visited there, and this year hats from Barendrecht are on display again. She designs and sells them in her hat store in […]
Royal Ascot 2022 Ladiesday
Royal Ascot Ladiesday 2022 We attended this British event wearing hats from designer hats Myra.
Rally De Grande Dame 2022
During this special event, Design hats Myra was present at both the start and stop at Cammingha Castle. With colorful hats and hair decorations to try on and show off. And to be worn during the photo shoot with the old Porsche at the castle. Enjoy the photos.
Hat Pretty in Pink for Pink Ribbon.
Myra van de Korput, the hat designer from Barendrecht is celebrating a double anniversary. After 20 years working in health care (in the surgery department), now 20 years working as a hat designer and in the year 2020! For this anniversary, she wants to draw attention to Pink Ribbon, as more and more friends and […]
Prince’s Day
Budget Day 2020. No golden carriage this year and a small cast due to Corona measures. However, as in previous years, the event featured hats by hat designer Myra van de Korput.
Prince’s Day hats
Here are some photos of the 2019 Prince’s Day hats taken by Myra van de Korput. As every year, several hats from Designhoeden Myra were worn on Prince’s Day. We are always proud to see the designs in the Media.
Girls with Pearls
Exhibition at Vermeer Center in Delft
Rally de Grande Dame
The start with lunch at Porsche center Leusden Photos of the participants Party at The Hoefslag – Bosch and Duin